11/10/2024: smtp setting revised.
23/1/2024: Minor changes.
26/3/2023: smtp setting revised.
16/12/2021: Updated installation command.
27/5/2019: Changed to use extracting directly to web directory. Protection measures added.
8/5/2019: All "/var/www/web" changed to "/var/www/html/web". "<version number>" used instead of a specific number. More descriptions on settings added.
25/12/2014: Created.
Roundcube is a webmail client.
Install Roundcube using apt
$ sudo apt install roundcube
(Deleted, not working, 11/10/2024)
Install Roundcube from
If the apt installation does not work, execute to remove:
$ sudo apt remove roundcube
Then download roundcubemail-<version number>-complete.tar.gz by selecting "Complete: <version number>" at, usually to own "Downloads" directory.
Extract the compressed file, move the extracted directory and files to underneath "/var/www/html", and rename the directory as "roundcube".
Ensure that the hidden ".htaccess" file is also moved.
A quicker way is to extract directly to "/var/www/html" and rename the directory there.
Install Roundcube under "/var/www/html":
$ cd /var/www/html$ sudo tar -xzfv /home/<own account name>/Downloads/roundcubemail-<version number>-complete.tar.gz (extract to current directory)$ tar -xzf /home/<own account name>/Downloads/roundcubemail-<version number>-complete.tar.gz (extract to current directory) $ ls (see the existence of the extracted directory) $sudomv roundcubemail-<version number> roundcube (change directory name) $ cd roundcube $ sudo chown www-data:www-data logs $ sudo chown www-data:www-data temp
"-xzfv" can be remembered as extract zipped file verbose. Use "-xzf" if "v" not working.
(changed to use "-xzf", added cd roundcube, 16/12/2021)
(changed to use "tar" directly to web directory, 27/5/2019)
Set up Roundcube
Install MySQL database + PHP + phpMyAdmin, if not already installed.
Login phpmyadmin at web browser:
Create a database user "roundcube" with database "roundcube":
- click "Users" at the top menu bar
- click "Add user" at the page middle
- enter "roundcube" at the User name entry
- select "Local" for "localhost" at the Host entry
(Select "Local", not enter "local", 11/10/2024)
- enter and re-type the password
- click "Create database with same name and grant all privileges"
- click "Go" at the bottom
Enter at web browser:
Configure Roundcube:
- accept all of the defaults
- enter database user "roundcube", database "roundcube" and password under Database setup
- click: "CREATE CONFIG"
- download the configuration file generated and save it as
- move the downloaded file:
$ mv /home/<own account name>/Downloads/ /var/www/html/roundcube/config
- click: "CONTINUE" on the webpage
- click: "Initialize database"
set to use secure SMTP port 465 (i.e. set "localhost:465" as SMTP Host)-
(last line not working, changed to next line, 26/3/2023)
- set "ssl://" as SMTP Host
(revised again, 11/10/2024)
- enter username and password, and sender and recipient full email addresses to test SMTP config
- accept "localhost" as IMAP Host
- enter username and password to test IMAP config
If installed from, remove or rename installer directory, and protect logs and temp directories:
$ sudo cd /var/www/html/roundcube $ sudo rm -R installer (remove) $ sudo mv installer installer.original (or rename) $ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER logs $ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER temp
(revised to add protection, 27/5/2019)
Configure PHP5 only (not necessary for PHP7 and later):
$ sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
- define:
date.timezone = Asia/Hong_Kong
otherwise the date column of the web mail would be blank.
Restart Apache2 service:
$ sudo systemctl reload apache2 or $ sudo service apache2 reload
Log in at web browser:
Click Settings > Identity to define some settings:
Click Settings > Preferences > User Interface
> Time zone > Asia/Hong Kong
> Time format > 07:30
> Date format > 24/7/2023
> Save.
Click Settings > Preferences > Composing Messages
> Compose HTML messages > always
> When replying > start new message above the quote
> Force standard separator in signatures > turn off
> Save.
Click Settings > Contacts > Import to import contacts files, e.g. previously exported from Google.
(more descriptions on settings added, 8/5/2019)
(further added, 26/3/2023)
Upgrade if installed from
Download and extract the subdirectory of the new version to "Downloads" directory as "roundcubemail-<new version number>".
Upgrade existing directory using the script:
$ cd /home/<own account name>/Downloads/roundcubemail-<new version number>/bin $ ./ /var/www/html/roundcube
In case of big trouble
Uninstall Roundcube:
$ sudo apt-get remove roundcube
Remove "/var/www/html/roundcube":
$ cd /var/www/html $ sudo rm -r roundcube
Delete mySQL user "roundcube" and database "roundcube" using phpMyAdmin.
Intall Roundcube as new.