Build-up of the Contract Sum from the original Tender Sum, if different.
Discounts (lump sum, percentage, how to apply, how are prime cost rate items treated).
The Contract Periods.
Pricing clarifications.
Technical clarifications.
Defining Contract Documents and order of precedence (Tender Documents, tender, tender correspondence).
Any programme, method statement, site layout plan, and organization chart for reference only and to be formally proposed after contract award but subsequent deviations to be properly justified (information contained in these reference documents but intended to form part of the contract should be specifically stated).
Counter-signing and returning the letter.
Binding contract upon counter-signing.
Immediate formal submissions:
Surety Bond
Employees’ Compensation Insurance Policy
Contractors’ All Risks and Third Party Liability Insurance Policy
Method statement of the Works
Programme of the Works
Site layout plan
Organization chart with the names and qualification of key management and site personnel for the Works.