Useful References 有用連結

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  • 12/3/2025: BCIS added.
  • 3/12/2024: ArchSD and HKHA Schedules of Rates added.
  • 8/3/2024: DevB updated.
  • 29/2/2024: Government Conditions of Contract added. CIC standard contract forms added.
  • 25/2/2024: URA Urban Rehabilitation Platform added.
  • 4/2/2024: CIC HK and HM Government UK added. Various publications added.
  • 12/9/2023: RICS Data and Technology added.
  • 10/1/2023: HKGBC added.
  • 6/2/2022: DevB updated.
  • 21/12/2021: ICEC added.
  • 2/12/2021: RICS publications added. Open for public view again because the information should be useful to the related practitioners. External links may not always be up-to-date. The copyrights of the respective publications remain with the authors and publishers.
  • 31/8/2021. Updated. "Useful links" removed from public view because of difficulties in keeping the external links up-to-date and including the files instead may have copyright issues. Changed to "Useful references" for internal references only.
  • 8/2/2019: Updated.

Development Bureau 發展局

  1. Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2005 - Implementation of Systematic Risk Management in Public Works Projects updated 11 May 2021
  2. Risk Management User Manual, June 2005 (風險管理用家手冊)
  3. Proposed Security of Payment Legislation for the Construction Industry - Summary and Guide, June 2015
  4. 擬議建造業付款保障條例 - 2015年6月摘要和指引
  5. Proposed Security of Payment Legislation for the Construction Industry - Consultation Document, June 2015
  6. 擬議建造業付款保障條例 - 2015年6月諮詢文件
  7. Construction 2.0 - Time to Change (added, 8/2/2019)
  8. 建造業2.0 - 變革的時刻 (8/2/2019 加入)
  9. Update of Technical Circular (Works) No. 2/2021 - Adoption of Building Information Modelling for Capital Works Projects in Hong Kong (added, 5/3/2024)
  10. DEVB BIM Harmonisation Guidelines for Works Departments (added, 6/2/2022)

Architectural Services Department 建築署

  1. Publications
  2. Schedule of Rates for Term Contracts for Building Works 2023 Edition Volume 1 (Builder’s Works) (added, 3/12/2024)
  3. Corrigendum No. 1 to the last (added, 3/12/2024)
  4. Schedule of Rates for Term Contracts for Building Works 2023 Edition Volume 2 (Building Services Works) (added, 3/12/2024)
  5. Corrigendum No. 1 to the last (added, 3/12/2024)
  6. Public Building Works Tender Price Index
  7. Public Building Services Tender Price Index
  8. Notices of Invitation for Technical and Fee Proposals

Housing Authority 香港房屋委員會

  1. Schedule of Rates for District Term Contract of Hong Kong Housing Authority 2024 Edition (added, 3/12/2024)

Buildings Department 屋宇署

  1. Codes of Practice, Design Manuals and Guidelines
  2. Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers
  3. Practice Notes for Registered Contractors
  4. Joint Practice Notes on protection and improvement of the built and natural environment by Buildings Department, Lands Department and Planning Department
    屋宇署、地政總署及規劃署為了保護及改善建築及自然環境發出的聯合作業備考 (繁體中文版)
  5. Practice Note for Mandatory Building and Window Inspection Schemes
    強制驗樓及驗窗計劃作業備考 (繁體中文版)

Government General Conditions of Contract

  1. Hong Kong Government General Conditions of Contract for Building Works 1999 Edition (added, 29/2/2024)
  2. Hong Kong Government General Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works 1999 Edition (added, 29/2/2024)
  3. Hong Kong Government General Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Works 1999 Edition (added, 29/2/2024)
  4. Hong Kong Government General Conditions of Contract for Design and Build Contracts 1999 Edition (added, 29/2/2024)
  5. Hong Kong Government General Conditions of Contract for Term Contracts for Building Works 2004 Edition (added, 29/2/2024)
  6. Hong Kong Government General Conditions of Contract for Term Contracts for Civil Engineering Works 2002 Edition (added, 29/2/2024)

Construction Industry Council Standard Contract Forms

  1. Reference Materials for Standard Form of Domestic Sub-Contract, Version 1, February 2016 (added, 29/2/2024)
  2. 標準自選分包合同參考資料, 2016年2月第一版 (29/2/2024 加入)
  3. Reference Materials for Simplified Standard Form of Domestic Sub-Contract, Version 1, June 2017 (added, 29/2/2024)
  4. 簡易標準自選分包合同參考資料, 2017年6月第一版 (29/2/2024 加入)

Construction Industry Council BIM Publications

  1. CIC BIM Publications at CIC Website (added, 25/2/2024)

    The following are at local server for quick view.

  2. CIC BIM Dictionary, December 2020  (added, 4/2/2024)
  3. CIC BIM Dictionary 2021 (added, 25/2/2024)
  4. CIC Beginner's Guide on Construction Digitalisation
    1. Adoption of Common Data Environment for Information Management using BIM (added, 4/2/2024)
    2. Adoption of BIM in Small and Medium Enterprises (added, 4/2/2024)
  5. CIC BIM Standards
    1. Standards (Phase One), September 2015 (added, 4/2/2024)
    2. General, August 2019 (added, 4/2/2024)
    3. General, Version 2, December 2020 (added, 4/2/2024)
    4. General, Version 2.1, December 2021 (added, 25/2/2024)
    5. Architecture and Structural Engineering, December 2020 (added, 4/2/2024)
    6. Architecture and Structural Engineering (Version 2.1 - 2021) (added, 25/2/2024)
    7. Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing, August 2019 (added, 4/2/2024)
    8. Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (Version 2 - 2021) (added, 25/2/2024)
    9. Underground Utilities, August 2019 (added, 4/2/2024)
    10. Underground Utilities (Version 2 - 2021) (added, 25/2/2024)
    11. Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions, December 2020 (added, 4/2/2024)
  6. CIC BIM Exchange Information Requirements Template (added, 4/2/2024)
  7. CIC BIM EIR with Sample Project EIR 2021 (added, 25/2/2024)
  8. CIC Production of BIM Object Guide - General Requirements (2021) (added, 25/2/2024)
  9. CIC Zero Carbon Park - BIM Implementation Plan Case Sharing, November 2022 (added, 4/2/2024)
  10. CIC Special Conditions of Contract for BIM (added, 25/2/2024)
  11. CIC BIM Services Agreement (added, 25/2/2024)
  12. CIC BIM for Asset Management and Facility Management Case Sharing 2021 (added, 25/2/2024)

International Cost Engineering Council

  1. Website
  2. Newsletter November 2021

URA Building Rehabilitation Platform 樓宇復修平台

  1. Sample tender and contract documents for engagement of various service providers (added, 25/2/2024)
  2. 招聘各類服務提供者的招標及合約參考文件 (24/2/2024 加入)


  1. RICS professional guidance, UK - Life cycle costing, 1st edition, April 2016
  2. RICS professional statement, global - Cost prediction, 1st edition, November 2020
  3. RICS NRM: New rules of measurement webpage
  4. NRM 1, 3rd edition UK, October 2021 - New rules of measurement - Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works
  5. NRM 2, 2nd edition UK, October 2021 - Detailed measurement for building works
  6. NRM 2, 2nd edition UK, October 2021 - Appendices B to F
  7. NRM 3, 2nd edition UK, October 2021 - New rules of measurement - Order of cost estimating and cost planning for building maintenance works
  8. NRM 3, 2nd edition UK, October 2021 - Appendices E and F
  9. NRM 3, 2nd edition UK, October 2021 - Logic and levels of elemental life cycle cost planning of the Construct, Renewal and Maintain Works (source: )
  10. Role and importance of data and technology in quantity surveying and cost management practice, June 2023 (source: - "click" will download) (added, 12/9/2023)
  11. Whole life carbon assessment (WLCA) for the built environment, 2nd edition, September 2023 (source: (added, 20/9/2023)
  12. New data and tool enable more efficient carbon assessments dated 5 February 2025 by James Fiske (added, 12/3/2025)


Hong Kong Green Building Council

World Green Building Council

  1. The Business Case for Green Building: A Review of the Costs and Benefits for Developers, Investors and Occupants, 2013
  2. Advancing Net Zero

HM Government, United Kingdom

  1. Open Government Licence for public sector information Version 3 (added, 4/2/2024)
  2. The Construction Playbook - Government Guidance on sourcing and contracting public works projects and programmes, Version 1.1, September 2009 (added, 4/2/2024)
  3. Long Term Contracting - Programmes, Projects and Portfolios in Construction - Guidance Notes, September 2022 (added, 4/2/2024)
  4. Promoting Net Zero Carbon and Sustainability in Construction - Guidance Notes, September 2022 (added, 4/2/2024)
  5. Market, Supplier & Supply Chain Engagement in Construction - Guidance Notes, September 2022 (added, 4/2/2024)
  6. Modern Methods of Construction - Guidance Notes, September 2022 (added, 4/2/2024)
  7. Recommendations in Constructing the Gold Standard - An Independent Review of Public Sector Construction Frameworks - Summary of Independent Review by Professor David Mosey, September 2022 (added, 4/2/2024)
  8. Should Cost Modelling - Case Study - Illustrative Model Scope, Version 1.0, May 2021 (added, 4/2/2024)

Others 其他

  1. Construction Design and Management (Health and Safety Design Management) Guidance Notes
  2. PAQS 2017 Vancouver - Congress Proceedings
  3. Building Information Models as Contract Documents: Common Practice for the U. S. Construction Industry – A Preliminary Report by Darren Olsen, JD,  J. Mark Taylor, Ph.D., JD (added, 2/4/2024)

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