Submitting Tenders 回标

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26/3/2023: Rules for submission deleted. Already given in Evaluating Tenders.

23/3/2020: Minor adjustment made. Punctuation standardised.

24/12/2014: Moved from wiki.


  1. The bound Tender Booklet with: 
    • The Form of Tender completed, signed, witnessed and dated
    • Selected appendices to the Form of Tender completed, signed, witnessed and dated (some to be completed after contract award)
    • The Bills of Quantities priced, extended and totalled (the sum shown on the Form of Tender must agree with the total of the Summary)
    • In case of no Bills of Quantities and pre-2005 Standard Form of Building Contract: The Summary of Tender priced and totalled (the sum shown on the Form of Tender must agree with the total of the Summary)
    • In case of no Bills of Quantities: Schedule of Quantities and Rates showing the build-up of the respective items in the Summary of Tender
      • Schedule of Quantities and Rates all prepared by the tenderers
      • Pro-forma Schedule of Quantities and Rates without quantities provided to tenderers
      • Schedule of Quantities and Rates with quantities pre-inserted for the tenderers’ reference and verification (implication of discrepancies with Tender Drawings and Specification)
    • Technical and Delivery Schedule completed.
  2. List of the names of the specialist contractors that the Tenderer intends to choose for sub-letting part of the Works.
  3. Preliminary design drawings and specification for tenderers’ specialist design.
  4. Material catalogues and sample boards.
  5. Proposed method statement.
  6. Proposed programme of the Works.
  7. Site layout plan showing the proposed locations of plant, scaffolding, catch fans, stores, site office and access routes.
  8. Project organization chart with the names and qualification of key management and site personnel for the Works .
  9. Maintenance contract proposal (for M&E works).
  10. General company information (if not already fully submitted when expressing interests to tender).
  11. For Mainland China projects:
    • 企业法人营业执照
    • 建筑业企业资质证书
    • 当地施工资质证明文件
    • 已建或在建工程的履历
  12. Number of copies of submissions required.
  13. Duplicate copy of the Form of Tender (required for Government Contract, not really necessary for private projects).

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