24/12/2024: "Estimates for maintenance and renovation" moved out to become its own page. "維修裝修估算"移往自己頁。"Measurement of quantities" moved to "Measurement and Billing" as "On-screen measurement". "計量"移往"計量和列單" 並改名為“螢幕計量”。
4/11/2015: Created. 建立。
Where is the satisfaction? 滿足感在那裡?
Winning the trust of clients, being consulted frequently 客戶信任,時常諮詢
Problem solved 解決到問題
Proper monitoring of prices, without unpleasant surprises to the clients 造價跟蹤管理得宜,不出客戶意料之外
Considered fair and reasonable by both the Employers and the Contractors 發包方及承包方都覺得公平合理
Invisible hand 無形的手
Always be prepared to be audited by a third party 隨時準備有第三者審計
Professional misconduct would cause damage to the Company not compensable by professional liability insurance 專業失當就算有保險都不能補償對公司造成的破壞
Treating the counter-parties 對待對手
Fair 公平
Reasonable 合理
Non-corruptive 廉潔
Attending meetings 開會
Be prepared 要有準備
Watch out deportment 注意儀態良好
Refrain from smoking 不要抽煙
Present oneself appropriately 洽當表現自已
Should not keep silence without contribution 不要默不作聲毫無貢獻
Should not speak unnecessarily 不作無謂發言
Say “To check and reply” if necessary cannot answer 真的不會答時, 不怕答“容後補答”、“要查證再覆”
Price information 價格資訊
Build-up a database 建立資料庫
Collect directive circulars and prices published by Government and authorities 收集政府、權力機構的指令性通知、價格
Collect market prices through other commercial sources (i.e. cost software vendors) 收集其他商業渠道的市場價格(例如造價軟件公司)
View newspapers, periodicals, internet 檢閱報章、期刊、互聯網
Collate internal information 整理自身的資料
Analyse content ratios and unit costs of past projects 分析過往工程含量及單位造價
Obtain through tendering 通過招投標取得
Cash flow table 資金流量表
Use horizontal table with a chart 盡量使用橫式有圖表那個款
Include complete remarks 要加齊註釋
Standard documents 標準文件
Use standard documents/templates to prepare fee proposals, tender documents, tender reports and other documents, but may refer to other projects for useful changes 要用標準文件編寫顧問費報價、招標文件、投標分析報告及其他文件,但可參考其他工程有用的改動
Do not adapt from other projects, unless really appropriate, but should check the standard documents for any updates 不要直接用其他工程的改, 除非真的合適,但仍要核對標準文件有無最新的改動
Lead in water problem 鉛水問題
Check tender documents for expressions using lead, and check with the designers whether this is appropriate 檢查招標文件有無用鉛的字句,及與設計單位了解是否適合
Insurance provisions in tender documents 招標文件保險條款
Ensure that the name list of the joint-insured as specified in the Contractors’ All Risks and Third Party Liability insurance provisions is comprehensive; apart from the Employer, the Contractor and sub-contractors of all tiers, note whether the list should include: 確保規定工程一切險及第三者責任險的條款的聯名被保險人的名單齊全;除發包方丶承包方及各層分包方外,還要注意是否要加入:
the Building Manager (being a manager of the relevant properties, he may be held liable) 物業管理人(因他為相關物業的管理人,可能被追討責任)
other contractors employed by the Employer (because their works will be carried out currently with the Works, and the liability for accident may not be clearly separable) 發包方聘用的其他承包商(因其工程與本工程同時執行,意外責任未必能分得清)
consultants (because they are not directly performing the Works, and the insurances can only cover risks caused by the performance of the Works, therefore, it is doubtful whether they should be included as one of the joint-insured) 顧問(因他們不是直接執行工程者,而保險只保障執行工程所造成的風險,因此,把他們作為聯名被保險人之一的效用存疑)
Adjust the old term “separate specialist contractor” to match the term used in the new Standard Forms of Contract 調整“separate specialist contractor”這舊有叫法以符合新標準合同的叫法
State the values of their works for inclusion as part of the sum insured to avoid inadequate insurance cover 列出他們的工程金額,作為保額的一部分以免保額不足
State expressly work outside boundaries to avoid lack of insurance cover 特別列出工地外的工程以免保險範圍甩漏
Include in the amount of removal of debris the costs of demolition of building, hoardings (if not included in the present contract), scaffolding for demolition, etc; review whether the $1M stated in the standard documents are adequate and adjust as appropriate 計算保險的殘礫清理保額時要包括拆樓、圍街板(假設本合同價未包括圍街板)及拆樓用的棚架;檢討標準文件寫的100萬元是否足夠及作適當的修改
State the values of the previous works such as foundations and hoardings for inclusion as part of the sum insured under the material damage section to ensure full cover; alternatively, if the risk of total loss is low, insure as the principal’s properties under the third party liability section, but the limit of indemnity will be lower 列出之前的工程,例如基礎、圍街板等的價值,加入物質損壞保險的保險額內以取得全額保;或者,如全毀的風險低,可以作為工程委託方的財産形式在第三者保險部份受保,但賠償額較低
Preparing Bills of Quantities or Schedule of Rates 編寫工程量清單或單價表
Read the Standard Method of Measurement, whether you are experienced or not; do not just listen to other people 任何時間都要睇工程量計算規則,無論生手定熟手,不要光聽人講
Do not blindly follow past Bills of Quantities or Schedule of Rates because they may have simplified the measurement which may not be applicable to every project, and may in fact be wrong 不能盲目照跟舊有的工程量清單或單價表因為它們可能把計法簡化了,但此不是單單工程都合用,而其實可能根本就錯了,
Preliminaries Bills 開辦營運費清單
Draw horizontal lines to separate items in Preliminaries Bills containing clause headings only to enable entry of prices in alignment with the item descriptions 用橫線把只列條款標題的開辦營運費清單內的項目間開以便填寫價格時對齊項目說明
Documentary exchange with tenderers 與投標者的來往文件
Keep the hardcopies and softcopies of documents, correspondence, faxes and emails exchanged during tendering under a separate folder for each tenderer to enable easy tracking and compilation of contract documents 把招投標標的 所有來往文件、信件、傳真及電郵的打印或電子件按每一投標者分開歸檔,以便追蹤及製作合同文件
Tender clarification queries 詢標問卷
Clarify in the tender clarification queries only those incorrectly priced high or low rates, not comparatively high or low rates 在詢標問卷應只問錯誤地高或低的單價,而不是相對高或低的單價
Financial reports 最終造價估算報告
Estimated Amount = Reasonably estimated maximum amount for budgetary purposes 估計價 = 合理估計的最大金額,供投資預算用
First Claimed Amount = Amount initially claimed or the biggest amount claimed by the Contractor 原報價 = 承包商第一次或最大的一次的報價
Latest Claimed Amount = Latest revised amount claimed by the Contractor, or the current amount after negotiated reduction 最新報價 = 承包商最新的修訂報價,或通過談判應已減低了的金額
Assessed Amount = Amount accurately or roughly assessed to be comfortably payable finally, in other words, the minimum final amount payable 審核價 = 經準確或大約計算得的可安心作為最終應付的總額,亦即等如最低的最終應付總額
When Assessed Amount = Claimed Amount, Estimated Amount should also be = Assessed Amount 當審核價 = 報價時,估計價亦應 = 審核價
In the final stage of final account, the Estimated Amount should be smaller than the Claimed Amount 到結算後期,估計價應低於報價
Approximately 大約
Write “approximately X Nos.” instead of “approximate X Nos.” 寫成“approximately X Nos.” 而不是 “approximate X Nos.”
Replace by or with 更換
“replace by” or ”with” may be distinguished by this example: in “replace A by B with C”, A is the replaced, B is the one who takes action, and C is the substitution “replace by”定”with” 可以此例子分辨:”replace A by B with C” 中A是被更換者、B 是行動者、C是代替者
Final account item descriptions 結算項目說明
Note that if the words "revise", "change", "replace" and similar are used in the final account item descriptions, cost omission and addition are both expected 注意當”修改”、”改變”、”更換”等類似用詞在結算項目說明使用時,意味應同時有減帳及加帳
Make sure that the final account item descriptions are consistent with the cost effects 確保結算項目說明是與費用影響匹配