Estimates for maintenance and renovation may place greater emphasis on classification by locations. It is not appropriate to classify items under them according to so many elements used for new works, but structured levels are still necessary to facilitate easier reading and understanding. Therefore, the items can be grouped and listed as follows (the locations may be classified before or after them but should not be too trivial): 維修裝修估算項目比較著重按地方分類,之下不宜再如新建工程的分部分得那麼多,但又要有層次,便於閱讀理解,故可分類排列如下(地方可先分或後分但不宜太瑣碎):
Scaffolding 棚架
Removal of existing 移除現有
Walls, Windows and Doors 牆窗門
Fittings 裝置
Finishes (no need to put under headings of floor, wall and ceiling) 裝飾 (之下不必分地面、牆面、天棚等標題)