Hotels and Hostels 酒店及宿舍

Hotels and Hostels 酒店及宿舍 KCTang

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(newer projects first)


  1. Fitting-out Works for a Long Stay Care Home at The Siu Lam Integrated Rehabilitation Services Complex


  2. Conversion and Remodelling of Tower D for The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


  3. Conversion and Remodelling of Junior Staff Quarters (JSQ), Research Staff Quarters (RSQ) and Tower C for The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


  4. Proposed Hotel Development at 7-11 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan


  5. Hotel Development at 13 and 15 Mercury Street, North Point, Hong Kong (Eco Tree Hotel) (Tender Documents)

    香港水星街13及15號酒店 (頤庭酒店銅鑼灣) (招標文件)

  6. Proposed 300-Place Student Hostel at New Asia Campus for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Mei Yun Tang and Tin Ka Ping Hall)

    香港中文大學新亞書院300位學生宿舍工程 (梅雲堂嚴及田家炳宿舍樓)


  7. Hotel Development at 338-346 Queen’s Road West, Hong Kong (Tender Documents)

    香港皇后大道西338-346號酒店 (招標文件)

  8. Restatement Works to Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong – Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village (Tender Documents)

    香港中華基督教青年會烏溪沙青年新村復修工程 (招標文件)

  9. Hotel Development at 239-251 Queen’s Road West, Hong Kong (Tender Documents)

    香港皇后大道西239-251號酒店 (招標文件)

  10. Hotel Development at 30-40 Bowrington Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Tender Documents)

    香港灣仔寶靈頓道30-40號酒店 (招標文件)

  11. YWCA Hostel, Bonham Road, Hong Kong – Main Contract (Tender Documents)

    香港般咸道女青年會宿舍 – 總承包工程 (招標文件)

  12. Dalian Furama Hotel – Interior Works for Phase 2 (Tender Documents)

    大連富麗華大酒店 – 第二期裝修工程 (招標文件)

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